Audio and Video Cassette Programs

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Audio Cassettes (800 series)


804 Sixteen Secrets of Successful Small Business Promotion

How to use low-cost/no-cost advertising, marketing, sales promotion, and public relations techniques to build your business.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


806 How to Write Copy That Sells

Marketing expert Bob Serling interviews Bob Bly on how to write compelling, hard-hitting copy that excites your prospects and moves them to buy.  

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15 


812 The Motivating  Sequence

A proven 5-step formula for persuasive writing.  

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


813 Secrets of Successful Lead Generation

How to write sales letters, self-mailers, ads, and other marketing communications that generate high volumes of qualified sales leads.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


814 Selling Your Services in a Soft Economy

How to successfully sell and market your professional, trade, or technical services in a recession or soft economy.  

Six cassettes                                                                                                     $59 


816 What’s Working in Direct Mail Today

Case studies highlighting techniques you can use to dramatically increase your direct mail response rates.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


817 Six Secrets of Newsletter DM Packages That Work

How to write successful direct mail packages selling subscription newsletters.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15 


820 Maximizing Personal Productivity

Time management techniques and personal productivity tips that can help you get more done in less time.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15 


821 Selling Information Products in the Internet Age

How to market newsletters, books, special reports, CD-ROMs, databases, subscription Web sites, and other information

products that compete with free information on the Web.   

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


823 Internet Direct Mail

How to conduct an effective e-mail marketing campaign. Covers lists, copy, graphics, transmission, and response measurement

and tracking.  

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


826 How to Get Out of a Slump 

Learn how to rapidly reverse negative circumstances, break out of your slump, and restore yourself to a happy and productive live within 6 weeks.  

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


827 Become an Instant Guru 

How to become a recognized authority in your field in 60 days or less.  

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15   


829 "The Advertising Show"

An interview with Bob on The Advertising Show, a Houston radio program, on how to make your advertising more effective.
Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  

830 How to Make Your Newsletter Indispensable

12 tips for adding value to your publication so that YOUR newsletter is the one your prospects buy.
Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  

831    The World's Best-Kept Copywriting Secrets

Write more powerful, persuasive copy using the FAB Pyramid, the Motivating Sequence, the BDF formula, the secret of the 4 U's, and more.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


832    How I Run My Copywriting Business

Two interviews with Bob Bly about how he runs his consultation business and his approach to copywriting.
Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  


833    Software Direct Mail

10 steps to creating a successful software direct mail package or campaign.
Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  





835    Selling Your Services Online


How to use Web sites, e-mail marketing, and e-zines to sell more of your services – and get more leads and projects than you can handle.

Single cassette                                                                                                  $15  




901 How to Get Your Nonfiction Book Published

How to write a nonfiction book and sell it to a major New York publishing house for an advance of $10,000 to $50,000 or more.

60-minute video, VHS format                                                                           $29 


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MAIL TO: Bob Bly, 22 E. Quackenbush Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628