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Archive for April, 2010

A Million Books

April 14th, 2010 by Bob Bly

An article in today’s PW Daily notes that there are over a million books published each year — about 75% self published and 25% traditionally published.

Assuming publishers work Monday through Friday, that’s a staggering 4,000 new books published per day!

CV, an editor, told me that what’s wrong with book publishing today is that there are too many books published. Given these latest statistics, it’s hard to argue.

Do you think the glut of books is bad for aspiring authors, because there’s already too much to read out there — and too much competition for new books?

Or do you think it’s positive, with so many new authors getting their books out these days through either traditional publishers or self publishing?


Category: Writing | 114 Comments »

The Only 4 Reasons Why People Buy

April 2nd, 2010 by Bob Bly

In his Target marketing column (4/10, p. 34), Denny Hatch notes that there are only 4 reasons why people will buy from you:


Of these, exclusivity is the most enviable position to possess.

“If you can move your business into exclusivity, you have no worried about price, service, and competition,” writes Denny.

Can you think of any other motivations to add to Denny’s list of 4 reasons to buy?

Are you in a business that offers something exclusive?


Category: General | 76 Comments »