8 ways for writers to overcome loneliness and isolation
July 31st, 2018 by Bob Bly
What do writers and scientists have in common?
This: for many years, the stereotype of each was a dedicated
individual working alone.
The full cliché had the writer banging away on his typewriter
sitting alone in a room, possibly in a cold garret furnished in
early poverty.
Novelist Philip Roth, for instance, has said many times: “Writing
in a room by myself is practically my whole life.”
For science geeks, the stereotype was the “mad scientist”
working along in his lab, surrounded by flasks and beakers filled
with bubbling fluids.
Some people find these stereotypes a bit romantic and appealing;
others see them as depressing.
But the fact of the matter is .. they aren’t true — for either
scientists or writers.
Or at least they don’t have to be. And probably shouldn’t be.
As far as scientists toiling away in solitude, Yale Professor
Priyamrada Natarajan writes:
“Although advances in science and technology are often portrayed
as the work of solitary men … science has always been a
collective enterprise, dependent on many individuals who work
behind the scenes.”
For writers, though we are more likely to work alone than on a
team, many of us either want or would benefit from more “people
time” and less alone time.
Why? Spending time with others helps overcome isolation and
loneliness, enables productive collaboration, and provides an
opportunity for support and feedback.
If you are a writer alone most of the time but want to increase
your “people time,” here are 8 ways to achieve that goal:
1–Join a writer’s group.
Many towns have writers’ groups, usually mostly amateurs, which
meet to read and critique each other’s work.
2–Attend writing conferences.
There are a ton of them all over the country, and they are
advertised in writer magazines such as Poets & Writers, The
Writer, and Writer’s Digest.
The advantage over #1 is that, unlike local groups consisting
almost solely of amateurs, at writing conferences the attendees
range the spectrum from rank amateur to working journeymen to
superstars — and often editors and literary agents as well.
Two I have attended and can recommend personally: ASJA for book
and article writers, and AWAI for copywriters.
3–Find a writing buddy.
Reach out to a writer you meet at #1 or #2, and pair up as
buddies, much like kids have a swim buddy at summer camp. You
can read each other’s work and give feedback, plus you can have
writerly chats and moral support.
4–Hire a coach.
We live in a coach-crazy world today. If you hire a coach, make
sure the coach is an active and successful writer in the niche
you are pursuing.
5–Join a Mastermind group.
According to an article in Forbes, Mastermind groups are
relatively new to most people, even though Napoleon Hill created
the concept around 75 years ago.
A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate through
challenges using the collective intelligence of others — some who
are your peers, others who may be ahead of you — and there is
often a large fee to belong.
6–Professional association memberships.
I am a chemical engineer and as such am also a member of the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Medical writers join the American Medical Writers Association.
You get the idea.
Benefits to association membership are many and varied — from
networking and self-promotional opportunities, to conferences and
education, to affordable health insurance and discounts on
products and services.
7–Build a team.
Hire a virtual assistant, proofreader, copy editor, website
designer, bookkeeper, CPA, and others to build a team that
supports you.
The obvious benefit: outsourcing everything but the writing makes
you more productive and increases your writing revenues.
Also, as you gradually build relationships with team members, you
are almost part of a virtual organization.
8–Take a class.
Many adult education programs at high schools and colleges offer
a variety of writing classes including creative writing,
copywriting, and journalism.
Bottom line: If you are a writer … and you feel too alone and cut
off from others, especially those in your line of work … these 8
ideas can fix that.
As Jor-El told Kal-El in the original “Superman” movie — you will
never be alone.
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