Bob Bly Direct Response Copywriter Official Banner

Which Picture Pulled Best?

June 28th, 2006 by Bob Bly

Imagine you are running an ad for a diet book written by an MD who is not a celebrity.

You can only show one image.

Your choices are a picture of:

A. The front cover of the book.
B. A head shot of the author.
C. A before and after shot of a middle-aged home-maker who went from obese to normal weight by following the diet.
D. A photo of a sexy, toned female model wearing a belly shirt showing off her rock-hard abs.
E. A photo fo a sexy, toned male model showing his rock-hard abs.

You cannot test. You can only pick one.

Which would you pick? And why?


This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 28th, 2006 at 10:05 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

241 responses about “Which Picture Pulled Best?”

  1. Mark Bigelow said:

    I’d show picture D, the female. The point of the book cover is to draw a person to the book, not to sell it. By showing the toned female, you draw females who want to look like her and males who want to look at her.

  2. Dave J. said:

    I’m tempted to agree with Mark, but will go with A: the book. While the female may attract more people to the ad, I think the book cover is more likely to create action. (And recall at the bookstore.)

  3. Jim Logan said:

    I’ll go with the obvious one, C. It’s real.

    C offers reason to believe, shows a benefit, and gives a testimonial. All in one picture.

  4. Robert Rosenthal said:

    Back in college, when I majored in marketing, they used to say, “Make the product the hero.” Now we often do better by making the customer the hero. “C” does that, and I imagine its honesty would come through, so it would also pass the verisimilitude test.

  5. Lisa Taylor Huff said:

    If the book is being marketed to a predominantly female audience, then C. Women who are out of shape (I’m one of them) do NOT want to look at some supermodel, it only intimidates them into thinking “I’ll NEVER look like that!” But the before and after pictures of a REAL woman who followed the program and had big results — THAT would grab my attention more than any of the others.

    If the audience is predominantly male, then E. Men respond more to images of “perfection” without as much of the feeling of being intimidated by it. They like the challenge.

  6. Craig Hysell said:

    Not to get too cute or picky, but “a diet book” tells me absolutely nothing about the product. Is it a niche book? Does it pertain to male or female dieters? Is it book for vastly overweight people or does it tell people who want to lose a few extra pounds how to do so?

    I can do nothing for the product effectively if I don’t know the target audience. In this respect I would have to pick “A” but would still like to take a look at “D” if it isn’t too much trouble.

  7. Bob Bly said:

    CH: You are making the task more complicated than it is. It is a diet book. It tells people how to lose weight. Like most diet books, it doesn’t target a specific category of overweight peopoe; it is for anyone who wants to lose weight. It doesn’t target specifically men vs. women, though women buy more diet plans than men. For the sake of this exercise, the title is How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off Forever.

  8. Craig Hysell said:

    Right on. If I were overweight I would only be concerned with no frills pragmatic results. I believe overweight people actively seeking to purchase a diet plan would feel the same way. Since the book is a diet plan for everyone the title sells itself better than a picture of a fit man, woman or author’s head shot could and would keep the marketing base wide making the product available to all.

    In my opinion I’d still pick “A”. (And I’d still like to see “D” if that’s okay.)

  9. Bob McCarthy said:

    I’d go with “A” every time. If you’re selling a book, show the book.

    Bob McCarthy

  10. Dianna Huff said:

    I go with A: Photo of the book.

  11. Bob Bly said:

    BM, DH: you have both written that benefits outsell features, right? Well, A, the photo of the product, conveys a feature — that it is a book. But C, D, and E, photos of thin people, convey the benefit — losing weight. Right? So why did you pick A?

  12. Bob McCarthy said:

    Bob – You can lay out all the benefits you want, but in the end, people need to know what they are buying. This is not a treadmill, a special diet or an exercise program.

    This is a book and since we only have one photo, this is what I would show – along with a strong, benefit-oriented headline.

    The biggest challenge you have with a product like this credibility and I don’t believe for a second that the hard-body or before-and-after photos accomplish that. They might get your attention from a prurient interest only, but I don’t think anyone really believes that these models actually used the product or the product helped them achieve the results.

    I would much prefer a believable testimonial from a well-known person. If we had such an endorser, I might then prefer to use that person’s photo instead of the book.

    Sorry, the product is the hero here and should take center-stage.

    Bob McCarthy

  13. Bob Bly said:

    BM: Would you be shocked if I told you we have actually tested this proposition numerous times (even with a diet program, though not a book), and the pictures of people outpull shots of the product in almost every case?

  14. Robert Rosenthal said:

    So … are we really selling books or the chance to look better, feel healthier, and have more sex? According to Bob’s findings, it ain’t the former.

  15. Bob Bly said:

    RR: With how-to and self-help nonfiction, you are NEVER selling a book — you are selling the benefit the book delivers. No one reads a diet book because it’s fun reading. They read it to lose weight, as you so astutely point out.

  16. Bob McCarthy said:

    Bob and Robert: No, no, no … you ARE selling a book. Sure, you pull them in by offering the benefit (which I would do in my headline) but you need to show you can deliver on that benefit.

    Benefits are only as good as your ability to deliver them – and to convince the reader you can deliver, you need to sell the book.

    Any benefit that is presented without a supporting feature is nothing more than an empty promise.

    You are right about this: people read diet books to lose weight not because they want to read. But it’s our job to convince the reader that this book can actually help them lose weight.

    And to do that, you need to sell the book. You need to sell on the author’s credentials, on the content, organization and ease of use of the book, on the science behind the book, on the relative cost and guarantee of the book, and on the people who have already benefited from the book.

    To have any credibility – especially with a product like this – you need to look beyond the hard-body photographs.

    As for your test results, Bob, yes I am surprised but not shocked. I learned long ago that you cannot predict response and that your own instincts and pre-conceived notions have to reluctantly defer to the numbers.

    But I am curious about these tests. I know you don’t oversee them, but did these tests actually isolate this particular question (hard-body model vs. product)? In other words, did they run A/B splits so that everything other than the photo in the ad was EXACTLY the same?

    My objection to using model photos isn’t a question of benefit vs. feature. It’s a question of credibility and I believe (yes, this is my untested belief) that hard-body and before/after photographs have little or no credibility with the reader.

    They might get the reader’s attention, which is worth something, but you need much more than a photograph to convince most readers to open their wallets.

    Bob McCarthy

  17. Steve Slaunwhite said:

    I pick D.

    The reason I wouldn’t pick C is because no one really aspires to be a middle-aged home-maker at a normal weight. We all want to be young, toned and beautiful.

    Another reason: We buy diet books not because we want to lose weight but because we want to have lost weight. There’s a big difference. The before and after pics in C remind us of how much hard work and determination is required to go from fat to thin. Even if the caption says, “I ate anything I wanted. And the fat still melted off me!”

  18. Bob Bly said:

    BM: In one instance, it was specifically a split test online where the only element changed was the visual — (a) a picture of the product (in this case a CD album, not a book) vs. (b) a picture of a young, attractive woman who used the product. The (b) version of the woman significantly outpulled the (a) version of the product shot.

    I also disagree that you are selling a book. The product may BE a book, but the fact that the diet program is a BOOK may actually be a negative. We know this in marketing newsletters, where we avoid showing pictures of the product or using the word “newsletter” — instead we say “service” or “advisory.”

    Your prospect wants a solution. The LAST thing she wants is more stuff to read.

  19. Stephen Davies said:

    Hello Bob,
    I would have to pick “C” because your target market can relate to a regular Joe (Joanne).

    It shows them the reality they are living in “now” (their problem)and what they can become (the solution) all in the same message.

  20. Chui said:

    “C” is salesmanship in print.

    I checked out the shelves on the supermart. There were two identical slimming products. One was pictures of male and female with stunning bodies, and the other one looks like a pack of over the counter stuff, with staid labelling.

    The latter had only two packages, while the the former had lots of packages. It could be coincidental of course, but I buy what I could relate to. I guess this doesn’t really explain why cosmetics ads never feature ugly people.

  21. Ajit Narayan said:

    Option D would be my choice. Predominantly women buy into this category. For most the aspiration is to beat or equal the male. Men’s rational linear perspective in buying would be driven by wanting to look at proof of concept. “Those kind of abs”. While I would’ve preferred to have an option on the book cover which should show the male model… and that would’ve perhaps been the killer! Product, benefit picturised and visual proof … Curious to know which one won in the test.

  22. Jeff Enders said:

    Here it is, short and sweet!

    It’s “C”.

    We ALWAYS sell the benefit… PERIOD!

    No one buys life insurance to die, they buy it to benefit their heirs.

  23. Dean Kennedy said:

    I think before-and-after is best because it shows authentic/genuine results. It can be related to by prospective purchasers (assuming middle-aged home-makers are the market), who — to be successful — should “start with the end in mind” (that quote can be attributed to Tony Robbins I think). Option D seems false, but would probably be my second choice.

    Thinking about that type of ad, most fair dinkum (oops, that means “genuine” if you’re not Australian) response ads seem to keep using the before&after approach in material I see, so I would guess that comes from successful testing.

    Book cover… I’d include as a thumbnail at I could, if colour was striking and made it noticeable (“hey, look for the yellow book on the shelf”). But that third-party authentic endorsement would be my visual choice.

    Errr, since when is there a limit of one photo, except for hypothetical marketing questions, by the way?!?

  24. Dianna Huff said:


    Why did I pick “A” the book cover? Because I’m highly suspicious of pictures showing people with rock hard abs. I know exactly what it takes to get those abs — simple dieting won’t help.

    Plus, the book is written by an MD — not a celeb — so I would think (and perhaps additional testing would prove or disprove this) the doctor and his/her findings would matter more. (“Eat what you like, lose weight the easy way!” or something along the pitch Weight Watchers uses.) Wouldn’t the doctor have more credibility than the the skinny model — who was probably paid to pose for the picture?

    BTW, WW does a fabulous job selling weight loss using normal people who don’t have rock hard abs. Their magazine, Website, and testimonials are chock-ablock full of “normal” people who have lost weight but who don’t have hard bodies.

    However, as Bob M. says, if testing proves that people buy a book based on a skinny model with abs, then you have to go with that. But it wouldn’t attract my attention.

  25. Bob Bly said:

    DH: But notice what you just said about WW. Their site is full of images of normal people who lost weight. That’s PEOPLE — not pictures of WW products.

  26. Dianna Huff said:


    Yes, I know, but you’re selling a book, not a service, which is what WW is selling.

    I thought about this over the holiday . . . I buy most of my books on Amazon, and I usually read the peer reviews and sample pages before buying. If I were to buy a “diet” book, I would buy based on who wrote it and why and what my peers were saying versus who or what was pictured on the cover. For example, I almost bought that book about how to each like a French person and lose weight — but after reading a few pages realized it was the same info you read everywhere else (it’s all about portion control).

    I also realized that the book cover design — which is incredibly important for when it sits on the shelf in stores — would depend on your target audience and where you were selling it (GNC or grocery stores vs. Borders maybe?). I would never buy the National Enquirer or Women’s Day but my neighbor does! 🙂

  27. Bob Bly said:

    DH: I think the key point is that you and I would never buy the National Enquirer or Women’s Day, but millions do, and these are also the people who fall for (er, I mean buy) diet books. BTW, the Enquirer once did a full-page article about me, but that’s another story….

  28. Ahmed Sharif said:

    like Bob McCarthy , I’d go with “A” every time. If you’re selling a book, show the book.
    The picture of book gives us the mass and the picture on the cover that the auther choiced for his book,
    so we get three benefit the A and the B and one of the three next (C,D,E)

  29. Ahmed Sharif said:

    like Bob McCarthy , I’d go with “A” every time. If you’re selling a book, show the book.
    The picture of book gives us the mass and the picture on the cover that the auther choiced for his book,
    so we get three benefit the A and the B and one of the three next (C,D,E)

  30. Pam Gitta said:

    I’m intrigued that no one’s chosen B. That’s my choice: it’s a picture of a person, and even if he/she isn’t a celebrity, he/she is still a doctor and therefore perceived by the public to be an expert on the subject of healthy weight loss.

    When I see before/after photos, my immediate thought is that this particular person was a fluke (we’ll call it “Results Not Typical Syndrome”), and I have no reason to think I could get the same results. With a doctor, I feel like I’m getting the benefit of years of experience with *many* patients, not just flukes.

    PS I often buy WW. As the ultimate companion to all their goofy diet stories, they have amazing recipes guaranteed to clog your arteries before you even set them on the table. 😉

  31. Andrew Cavanagh said:

    My friend young Australian copywriter Jesse Forrest would tell you that action photos nearly always generate a better response than other photo types.

    He does have enough results to suggest this is a VERY powerful copywriting principle.

    Look at the photos drawing your attention in the newspaper.

    Think of the videos that draw your attention on TV.

    All action shots – all attention grabbing.

    The closest to that in this case would probably be the before and after photo.

  32. Forums Offer Poor Information? - Copywriters Board said:

    […] Today, 05:13 AM If you’re gonna say that about forums then blogs are included too. Plenty of comment spam around. Not least "splogs"! If you were writing academically you have to give references if you don’t it’s plagiarism. People here mention there source and often. Everything online and off is susceptible to distortion. Knowing this is what’s important. The irony is … a lot of content on the internet should be checked out. Owning a website and publishing to it or a blog is not instant credibility. We know that some don’t even write their own stuff! But forums are, in general, more balanced … Those that own, administer and input into a medium for publication have the control. Participation by others allows for a BALANCED viewpoint rather than a single author’s point of view. Forums provide for this as long as those that have the greater degree of control allow it. That’s the case on this forum. That’s why I’m here! Blogs are no different to forums. Look at Bob Bly’s, there’s a recent post, that has so many different viewpoints, but only one can be correct as it concerns split-test data. Yet the rationale behind some of the answers, particularly one poster that is supposed to be experienced, is quite bizarre. Until the true answer is provided by Bob, which suggested answer should people follow? The answer is none, wait ’till you get the true answer from Bob (and then verify it for yourself, if you can). I just hope people recognize this .. I fear some do not. There is some great information delivered by people here. I don’t do interactive much these days … as I had a bad experience with a podcaster. They apologized, but it showed me how much power someone has when they control the medium. I think Winston Churchill conveys the point best "There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion" (… have tried to verify the quote, but useful anyway). Tom P.S. Online, nobody knows you’re a dog! (by Peter Steiner, page 61, July 5, 1993 issue of The New Yorker, Vol.69 (LXIX) no. 20. "Seeing is believing" […]

  33. arun chakkravarthy said:

    i would show the front cover of the book as before(looks fat) and profile shot of the book as after (looks thin). here i am incorporating the before and after shot of a middle-aged home-maker concept by simply showing the book. So, by mixing A and C a new idea is formed within the given 5 choices and also coveys the message that it is a diet book.

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    The blond. Even if it doesn’t sell, at least I can still look at her.

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    TV or film series or a collection of sa gaming 1688 books. It is for this reason that I believe gamers form such a sexy gaming bond with the games they play, stronger than fans of ??????????any other medium. When you are ?????????????? an active participant in something, you inevitably form a sense of ownership.

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  103. dick13 said:

    This contributed to sexy gaming the realism in depicting a secret government ?????????? nuclear facility, as well as maintaining a sense of continuity ?????????????? throughout the game.

  104. dick13 said:

    social interaction and do not want to talk with sa gaming 1688 anyone. In order to play sexy gaming games on computers, they might start to lie to their parents. In addition when their parents try to stop them from spending too ?????????? much time on computers, they will be ?????????????? angry because of being interrupted and unable to play their favorite video games.

  105. dick13 said:

    Food is the basic need ?????????????? for humans to stay alive. According to ?????????? Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs a motivational sexy gaming psychological theory.

  106. dick13 said:

    school and college. Students can sa gaming 1688 study by reading sexy gaming textbooks while teachers give lecture. Secondly, college ?????????? students have to join some school activities just like ?????????????? high school students do.

  107. dick13 said:

    social interaction and do not want to talk with sa gaming 1688 anyone. In order to play sexy gaming games on computers, they might start to lie to their parents. In addition when their parents try to stop them from spending too ?????????? much time on computers they will be ?????????????? angry because of being interrupted and unable to play their favorite video games.

  108. dick13 said:

    TV or film series or a collection of sa gaming 1688 books. It is for this reason that I believe gamers form such a sexy gaming bond with the games they play stronger than fans of ??????????any other medium. When you are ?????????????? an active participant in something, you inevitably form a sense of ownership.

  109. dick13 said:

    Food is the basic need ?????????????? for humans to stay alive. According to ?????????? Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs a motivational sexy gaming psychological theory

  110. 123goal said:

    Caffeine is a stimulant that can nigoal123 make people feel dreamgaming more alert and mentally big gaming focused. Consuming foods and nigoal123 beverages containing caffeine can also help a person to stay awake.

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    Sleep problems usually sort nigoal123 themselves out within dreamgaming about a month. But longer big gaming stretches of bad sleep nigoal123 can start to affect our lives.

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    In this modern time, when people nigoal123 are working even in dreamgaming night, it is difficult to big gaming maintain proper timing for nigoal123 food intake.

  113. dick13 said:

    schedule for their sexy gaming children. To prevent computer game ?????????? addiction, children should not spend time on computers more ?????????????? than two hours per day.

  114. dick13 said:

    closing its doors, and they would be accepting no further articles. It’s the sexy gaming sort of setback that, at ?????????? other times in my life for other things has ?????????????? rattled me to the point of giving up.

  115. dick13 said:

    TV or film series or a collection of sa gaming 1688 books. It is for this reason that I believe gamers form such a sexy gaming bond with the games they play stronger than fans of ??????????any other medium. When you are ?????????????? an active participant in something, you inevitably form a sense of ownership.

  116. The Citizen said:


  117. dick13 said:

    Food is the basic need ?????????????? for humans to stay alive. According to ?????????? Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs a motivational sexy gaming psychological theory Food..

  118. dick13 said:

    your mobile classroom, tap into its sexy gaming wealth of English ?????????? learning resources. When you hear a word ?????????????? or sentence you do not understand look it up.

  119. dick13 said:

    In addition when their parents try to stop them from spending too ?????????? much time on computers they will be ?????????????? angry because of being interrupted and unable to play their favorite video games..

  120. dick13 said:

    textbooks while teachers give lecture. Secondly, college ?????????? students have to join some school activities just like ?????????????? high school students do…

  121. dick13 said:

    sing and dance to, right? Wouldn’t life be a little sexy gaming boring without music? It is something we all need to ?????????? enjoy our days slightly more than we already do because music adds more ?????????????? colour to our lives..

  122. dick13 said:

    I believe gamers form such a sexy gaming bond with the games they play stronger than fans of ??????????any other medium. When you are ?????????????? an active participant in something, you inevitably form a sense of ownership…

  123. dick13 said:

    they would be accepting no further articles. It’s the sexy gaming sort of setback that at ?????????? other times in my life for other things has ?????????????? rattled me to the point of giving up…

  124. dick13 said:

    Sharon jumped into the water 123goal at the swimming pool. She held 123GOAL her nose. She went under the water.

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  126. dick13 said:

    Dad took his son 123goal Chris to the baseball game. The Los Angeles 123GOAL Dodgers were playing the San ?????????????? Francisco Giants.

  127. dick13 said:

    Nancy took her daughter Donna to 123goal the park. The park had lots 123GOAL of trees. It had lots of squirrels and ?????????????? birds. The squirrels ran up ?????????? and down the trees.

  128. dick13 said:

    Debby was in the 123GOAL first grade. Her brother Tommy was in 123goal the second grade. They lived in ?????????????? Florida. They lived in a small town in Florida. They walked to school in the morning.

  129. dick13 said:

    The boy opened a jar of 123GOAL peanut butter. He spread the peanut 123goal butter onto a slice of bread. Then he opened the ?????????????? refrigerator and took out a jar of grape jelly.

  130. dick13 said:

    I love my mom. She took care of me 123GOAL when I was very young. She took care of me when I was 123goal sick. She taught me how to ?????????????? read. She taught me how to get dressed. She taught me how to button my shirt.

  131. dick13 said:

    Jenny went to the lake. She went to 123GOAL the lake with her dad. It was a big lake. It was a big, blue 123goal lake. It had a lot of water ?????????????? in it. It had a lot of fish in ?????????? it.

  132. dick13 said:

    School starts at 8:00 in the 123GOAL morning. His mom woke him up at 6:30. He yawned 123goal and got out of bed. He got dressed. He ate ?????????????? breakfast. He ate a bowl of cereal ?????????? for breakfast.

  133. dick13 said:

    Lisa liked to visit her 123GOAL friends. All her friends had pets. Her friends had 123goal dogs. Her friends had ?????????????? cats. Her friends had ?????????? birds.

  134. dick13 said:

    Bruce picked up the 123goal cat. The cat meowed. The cat didn’t like most 123GOAL people. The cat liked to ???????1688 be alone..

  135. dick13 said:

    It was Emily’s 10th 123GOAL birthday. She was 10 years old. She was so 123goal happy. “I’m so happy,” she ?????????????? said. “I’m finally 10.

  136. dick13 said:

    “Annie, set the 123GOAL table, please,” said Mom. “It’s time for dinner.” Annie said it 123goal wasn’t her week to set the ?????????????? table.

  137. dick13 said:

    The boys were going 123GOAL to the beach. Dad was going to drive them to 123goal the beach. The drive to the beach would take ?????????????? an hour.

  138. dick13 said:

    A strawberry is red. So, why don’t you call it a redberry? Mary asked Jili Slot her mom. Her mom didn’t know. She asked her dad. Her dad didn’t know. She asked her littleSUPREME CAISHEN brother. “Because a CANDY CANDY red berry is a cherry!

  139. dick13 said:

    Lulu’s mom gave Lulu 123goal a pencil. It was a yellow pencil. It was a number 123GOAL two pencil. It had a pink ???????1688 eraser.

  140. dick13 said:

    The black cat jumped up sagaming onto the chair. It looked down ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? at the white dog. The dog was chewing on sagame16888 a bone.

  141. dick13 said:

    The baby bear followed his sexybacarat mama. Mama bear ?? ?? ??? sagaming walked through the woods. She was looking for ??????? ?? ??? ??? berries to eat.

  142. dick13 said:

    Dad went Jin Sung back into the house. He opened both Golden Bull letters.

  143. dick13 said:

    Jerry was looking at ?? ??? ??? ????? ??????? 2022 a map. It was a map of the world. The map showed many ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? countries. It showed all the countries in sagame16888 the world. All the ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? countries were different colors.

  144. dick13 said:

    into the car. His dad closed the 9 Lions driver’s door. His dad walked Dragon & Tiger around the car. He opened the 1688 slot passenger door. He sat next to ??????????????? Charley. He gave Charley the key. Charley put the key into the ignition.

  145. dick13 said:

    And now that INTERNET has ???? come to be my way of ??????????? learning, discovering and seeing new things.

  146. dick13 said:

    The black cat jumped up sagaming onto the chair. It looked down ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? at the white dog. The dog was chewing on sagame16888 a bone.

  147. dicky13 said:

    n 1991, was introduced to sexybacarat the people of what we ?? ?? ??? sagaming call now as the WORLD WIDE WEB.WORLD WIDE WEB is ??????? ?? ??? ??? the part of the Internet.

  148. dicky13 said:

    The human species’ use sagaming of technology began with ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? the conversion of natural resources into sagame16888 simple tools. The prehistorical discovery ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? of the ability to control fire increased

  149. dicky13 said:

    I strongly believe that the achievable ways to solve this ??????????? problem is to restrict time use of internet, encourage physical ?????????????? activity in community and support charity in our society.

  150. dicky13 said:

    telephone fax ???????????????? transmissions, to nearly instantaneous ??????????? digital communication through electronic mai

  151. dicky13 said:

    The computer runs on a three-step cycle namely input, process, and output. Also, the computer follows this SUPREME CAISHEN cycle in every process it was asked to do. In CANDY CANDY simple words, the process can be explained in this way. The data which we feed into the computer is Shiba Inu input, the work CPU do is process and the result which the computer give is output.

  152. dicky13 said:

    the internet has contributed a lot to Fortune Lion the environment as much of Hip Hop Panda the offices government and Wong TaiSin private school and colleges have become Jin Sung digital that saves countless paper.

  153. dicky13 said:

    She wanted ????? to find more berries to eat. Baby bear lay ?????1688 down. He was full. He wanted to take a nap. But Cash Or Crash mama bear came back..

  154. dicky13 said:

    flowers and vegetables in Wong TaiSin the garden. Dad went Jin Sung back into the house. He opened both Golden Bull letters..

  155. dicky13 said:

    No, only good people go to ???????nigoal heaven,” Dad said. “What is ????? heaven like?” Adam asked. “It is a happy place,” Dad said. “Everyone is happy. Everyone is Nigoal your friend. Everyone likes you. You like pg ???????????? everyone.

  156. dicky13 said:

    Mobile Phone is often ???????nigoal also called “cellular phone”. It is a device mainly used for ????? a voice call. Presently technological Nigoal advancements have made our.

  157. dicky13 said:

    Mahatma Gandhi was a ???????nigoal great patriotic Indian, if not the ????? greatest. He was a Nigoal man of an unbelievably great.

  158. dicky13 said:

    The dog is a ???????nigoal pet animal. A dog has sharp teeth so ????? that it can eat flesh very easily, it has four Nigoal legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose.

  159. dicky13 said:

    many college and high ???????nigoal school students face writer’s block and have a hard time to think ????? about topics and ideas for an essay. In this Nigoal article, we will list out many good essay topics pg ???????????? from different categories like argumentative

  160. dicky13 said:

    From the time it first ???????nigoal came into existence until now the internet has completed a ????? long journey. Also, during this journey, the internet has Nigoal adopted pg ???????????? many things..

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    Texas77 slot gacor deposit pulsa tanpa potongan.Dengan minimal deposit 10.000 kalian sudah bisa membawa hadiah hingga jutaan rupiah. proses depo wd secepat kilat.buruan gabung secepatnya.

  162. dicky13 said:

    In other words, high ???????nigoal volume noises are abnormal. As the world is advancing at a ????? rapid rate, so is noise pollution. Technology has made things easier for Nigoal people by creating appliances and devices for pg ???????????? almost everything.

  163. dicky13 said:

    The religious ???????nigoal significance of this festival has ????? differences. It varies from one Nigoal region to pg ???????????? another in India.

  164. dicky13 said:

    Water covers 70% of the ???????nigoal earth surface but ????? freshwater for Nigoal drinking and other uses are about pg ???????????? only 2.5 %.

  165. dicky13 said:

    The poet ???????nigoal proceeds to tell ????? us that when the crying session Nigoal is over, you will feel lighter. Your pg ???????????? mood..

  166. dicky13 said:

    Mobile Phone is often ???????nigoal also called “cellular phone”. It is a device mainly used for ????? a voice call. Presently technological Nigoal advancements have made our pg ???????????? life easy..

  167. dicky13 said:

    Mahatma Gandhi was a ???????nigoal great patriotic Indian, if not the ????? greatest. He was a Nigoal man of an unbelievably great pg ???????????? personality..

  168. dicky13 said:

    The dog is a ???????nigoal pet animal. A dog has sharp teeth so ????? that it can eat flesh very easily, it has four Nigoal legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. It is a very clever pg ???????????? animal and is very useful in catching thieves..

  169. dicky13 said:

    many college and high ???????nigoal school students face writer’s block and have a hard time to think ????? about topics and ideas for an essay. In this Nigoal article, we will list out many good essay topics pg ???????????? from different categories like argumentative..

  170. dicky13 said:

    From the time it first ???????nigoal came into existence until now the internet has completed a ????? long journey. Also, during this journey, the internet has Nigoal adopted pg ???????????? many things.

  171. dicky13 said:

    Peacocks are the ???????nigoal males of the species. They have a ????? stunningly beautiful appearance. Due to Nigoal this, the bird gets pg ???????????? a huge appreciation from around..

  172. dicky13 said:

    In class 1 only a ???????nigoal student has Science as ????? a subject. This only tells us Nigoal about the importance pg ???????????? of Science.

  173. dicky13 said:

    Furthermore, the second subject ???????nigoal was Chemistry. Chemistry is a ????? subject that deals with an Nigoal element found inside pg ???????????? the earth. Even more, it helps in making various..

  174. dicky13 said:

    The little bully tells us a ???????nigoal story about a boy who used ????? to bully everyone in Nigoal his class. It is pg ???????????? about Hari..

  175. dicky13 said:

    The poem of Teamwork ???????nigoal written by Jan Nigro is ????? an important poem. It teaches us Nigoal about the significance pg ???????????? of teamwork.

  176. dicky13 said:

    The Cop and the ???????nigoal Anthem is a humorous ????? story. Soapy, the vagabond was Nigoal looking in pg ???????????? search of shelter..

  177. dicky13 said:

    It proves that Malu is ???????nigoal as brave as her ????? mother. She then starts swimming with all Nigoal her might. Malu does not care pg ???????????? about anything..

  178. dicky13 said:

    Moreover, the poem ???????nigoal tells us that nothing stops ????? people when they Nigoal are in a hurry. If there is pg ???????????? too much sun..

  179. dicky13 said:

    Swachh Bharat Abhiyan set ???????nigoal a lot of objectives to ????? achieve so that Nigoal India could become pg ???????????? cleaner..

  180. dicky13 said:

    On meeting a ???????nigoal mynah, Golu asks ????? what does a Nigoal crocodile eats for dinner. Mostpg ???????????? noteworthy..

  181. dicky13 said:

    Class Discussion ???????nigoal summary will help in ????? getting to know the ????? gist of pg ???????????? the poem.

  182. dicky13 said:

    To say that ???????nigoal science has a ????? lot of benefits would be Nigoal an understatement. The benefits of science pg ???????????? do not..

  183. dicky13 said:

    The computer runs on ???????nigoal a three-step cycle namely ????? input, process, and Nigoal output. Also, the computer pg ???????????? follows..

  184. dicky13 said:

    While we are ???????nigoal on leave from ????? our Nigoal jobs, we may pg ???????????? sometimes experience.

  185. dicky13 said:

    You will see ???????nigoal people laughing, smiling, being ????? grumpy, but they Nigoal will never..

  186. 123goal said:

    Lots of people set the alarm with the best of intentions, nigoal123 knowing that’s the time they need to get up to meet the day’s demands. But a href=””>???????? then the alarm clock ?????? seems to ring away before they’re baccarat ready to rise, so they’re hitting iHACK snooze and, eventually, running late.

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    The crocodile ???????nigoal winked at ????? Golu and asked Nigoal him that has pg ???????????? he ever

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    The computer is ???????nigoal a very important ????? machine that Nigoal has become a pg ???????????? useful

  191. 123goal said:

    Muscular strength refers to the amount Nigoal of force a muscle can produce with a single maximal effort. Muscular ?? ?? ??? 99 definition is the visual aspect when muscle ??????? shape is visible through the skin ????????????????????????and underlying body fat.

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    Crafting a good excuse is about more Nigoal than just finding a believable reason; it’s about framing it in a way that ???? ?? ?? ??? upholds your integrity and respects the demands of the workplace. Crafting the right ???????????? ?????? excuse to get out of work isn’t ???????????? ????? about deception;

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    Different cats display different types ????? of behaviors. Some cats are ???????????? ?????? very cuddly and affectionate. Some vary their ??????????????????? behavior and can move ?????????? between affection and ignoring.

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    e0%b8%ad%e0%b8%ad%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%84%e0%b8%a5%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%8c/%e0%b9%81%e0%b8%97%e0%b8%87%e0%b8%9a%e0%b8%ad%e0%b8%a5-%e0%b8%ad%e0%b8%ad%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%84%e0%b8%a5%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%8c/”>?????? for most people is the negative way Joker Gaming that they look at problems: if you Sexy Baccarat think that problems Sexy gaming are completely threatening, or that having them ?????????????? is a sign of weakness or failure,

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    For completing the dream iam1688 you have to keep your dream in the 1688 mind. And remind this dream to yourself ??????1688 daily. There come hard times hotgraph when you feel like quitting

  200. dicky13 said:

    Even though the books iam1688 are about the world of wizards 1688 and magic, the Harry Potter series ??????1688 contains a lot of lessons hotgraph for young people to learn.

  201. dicky13 said:

    Ambitions The Greatest Catch lead us to a definite aim 11hilo in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter aff1688 the cost. It drives us to do better Live22 in life.

  202. dicky13 said:

    dancing from an early age. My parents The Greatest Catch always encouraged me to 11hilo pursue my aff1688 passion. Like most of the parents, they Ebet never discouraged

  203. 123goal said:

    Cats are independent animals that like to ???????????? do things as they please. This makes ????????? most cat owners think that Dream Gaming they are not suitable for training. But in fact, we can raise cats to be tame,

  204. dicky13 said:

    in the race of becoming Fish Hunter 2 EX alawyer,doctor or The Greatest Catch engineer. But, I still 11hilo believe that just because aff1688 something

  205. dicky13 said:

    chance to indulge 11hilo in so many aff1688 activities and in fact, it was Allbet the first time where EVOPLAY I discovered my talent for painting.

  206. 123goal said:

    “Frustrated” Try changing your 123 way of thinking. Frustrated at work, there are many ?????? people who don’t have the same Big gaming opportunities as us. I’m annoyed ?????123 with traffic jams.

  207. dicky13 said:

    t’s a risky gambit iam1688 by the petrel (Pterodroma deserta), which must contend 1688 with wind speeds approaching 90 kilometers ??????1688 per hour and swells up hotgraph to eight meters high.

  208. 123goal said:

    Every relationship has 123 normal wounds. And even more ?????? so are couples who have to Big gaming live together closely and for ?????123 a long time. It’s normal to create frustration.

  209. dicky13 said:

    lush and greenery. I love 11hilo spending time aff1688 with my grandparents Allbet so I was very excited

  210. dicky13 said:

    play 11hilo games. We would also aff1688 gaze at Allbet their stars all night, as we did

  211. dicky13 said:

    In my opinion, I feel iam1688 the pets rightly deserve it. The most 1688 common pet you can find at ??????1688 anyone’s place is hotgraph dogs.

  212. dicky13 said:

    puppy with 11hilo his cute little aff1688 paws and eyes. We couldn’t stop Allbet gushing over this beauty. My siblings used to fight with each other Ebet as to who will get the maximum time to play with Sasha.

  213. dicky13 said:

    Furthermore, my iam1688 siblings and I took 1688 on the responsibility ??????1688 of keeping Sasha hotgraph clean.

  214. dicky13 said:

    the Milky hotgraph Way’s most massive and Fish Hunter 2 EX luminous globular The Greatest Catch star cluster, a new study finds. Instead, a hive of much 11hilo smaller black holes diving..

  215. dicky13 said:

    helped form the Hot 11hilo Climate Partnership. Memories of being aff1688 able to comfortably walk between Allbet his tidy rows of apple Ebet and pear trees.

  216. dicky13 said:

    strains, researchers report 11hilo August 7 in Frontiers in Microbiology. This aff1688 is the first time that Allbet scientists have documented microbial Ebet communities living in microwave ovens, according to the researchers.

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    those offspring Fish Hunter 2 EX thrive. The insects The Greatest Catch themselves aren’t 11hilo a problem — though their bites aff1688 are annoyingly

  218. dicky13 said:

    instead The Greatest Catch of transforming one food 11hilo into another, microbes were able aff1688 to transform Allbet food waste

  219. dicky13 said:

    My garden contains iam1688 different types of plants. For 1688 instance, it has different flowers ??????1688 such as roses, sunflowers, Lilies, daisies. These hotgraph flowers are the easiest

  220. dicky13 said:

    Megan Winton of the Atlantic 1688 White Shark Conservancy in ??????1688 Chatham, Mass., says that there’s plenty hotgraph of evidence pointing at a large Fish Hunter 2 EX white shark as the suspect.

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    the first entirely new class of pain 11hilo therapies in decades. Though an initial approval aff1688 would be for acute pain, there’s hope that the new Allbet drug could also Ebet curb chronic pain.

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    anything and some want to be a doctor, lawyer, or The Greatest Catch engineer. But only you know that for 11hilo achieving these goals you aff1688 have to work hard and stay Allbet attentive to it.

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    the goal it helps you 11hilo stay positive. And if you feel like aff1688 you messed Allbet up big times then start over Ebet with a fresh mind.

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    in the middle 11hilo of four roads. It is not joined aff1688 to any other Allbet house. My house has four entrances Ebet from each side.

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    People with social anxiety Joker Gaming disorder. Severe anxiety booongo around strangers. Worried about RED TIGER doing something embarrassing MICROGAMING in front of others.

  230. dicky13 said:

    Around more than 70% of India’s population iam1688 resides in villages. Likewise, villages 1688 are the main source ??????1688 of food

  231. dicky13 said:

    After my summer iam1688 camp ended, my whole 1688 family decided to ??????1688 visit my grandparent’s village. It is hotgraph situated away

  232. dicky13 said:

    The person who has 11hilo a house wants a bungalow. The one aff1688 who owns a bungalow wants a palace. The one Allbet living in a palace wants an island. This Ebet never-ending cycle goes on.

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    These hotgraph books showcase the wizarding world Fish Hunter 2 EX and its workings. J.K. Rowling has been so The Greatest Catch successful at weaving a picture of this world, that it feels real. Although 11hilo the series contains

  234. dicky13 said:

    Take Some Breaks Working iam1688 towards your goal not mean 1688 that you work day and night without ??????1688 stopping. Apart from hotgraph that, due

  235. dicky13 said:

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  236. dicky13 said:

    But only you know that for 11hilo achieving these goals you aff1688 have to work hard and stay Allbet attentive to it. In this Ebet essay on my dream, we are going to discuss the basic things that will help in achieving my dream.

  237. dicky13 said:

    Almost everyone iam1688 dreams of something while 1688 growing up. We all ??????1688 have ambitions when hotgraph we are little

  238. dicky13 said:

    from cheeses Fish Hunter 2 EX to beer (SN: 9/19/17). But what if, instead The Greatest Catch of transforming one food 11hilo into another, microbes were able

  239. dicky13 said:

    The irradiating environment iam1688 within a microwave oven 1688 might seem inhospitable to microbes. But ??????1688 swabs from microwave

  240. dicky13 said:

    says Joan Bonany, a pomologist ??????1688 at the Institute of Agrifood hotgraph Research and Technology Fish Hunter 2 EX outside Barcelona who The Greatest Catch helped

  241. dicky13 said:

    It’s a tall task. What felt iam1688 hot 20 years ago is now 1688 commonplace, says Joan Bonany, a pomologist ??????1688 at the Institute of Agrifood hotgraph Research

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